Thursday, September 13, 2012

Zoe Marie Willis 2/1/2012

I really had to write this post for myself. I think by writing what happened I will remember more clearly that day instead of it being sort of a blur later on. I hope you all enjoy this story, for it was the sweetest day of my life.

Midwife- Carolyn Drake
Midwife Assistant- Rachel Boyd
Birth Location- At Carolyn’s home

Carolyn has been a wonderful Midwife. We decided to switch to a midwife just before I was 20 wks along. I was seeing a doctor, but quickly changed my mind after educating myself on pregnancy, labor and birth. I knew from the start I wanted a natural birth, and I didn’t want to be confined to a bed. Those were my top priorities. When I first met my doctor and told him I wanted to do a natural birth he said, “Ok, but I wouldn’t recommend it”. What? Why on earth would you not recommend a natural birth? Women are made to birth children, we can do it, and we can do it without medication. Most women have grown up thinking labor was a scary thing, when it’s really not. It’s beautiful.

After doing some research on the midwives around the area I found Carolyn. I knew she did home births but she also did births at her home. It’s no different then having a birth at your own home except she already had a birth tub and she is close to the hospital if there is an emergency. It is not a birth center. Even if I wanted some sort of pain killer I wouldn’t be able to get any unless transported to the hospital. Being close to a hospital put my mind at ease.

Every appointment I had with her lasted about an hour. Greg and I got to know her and her assistants. I felt so comfortable and taken care of with them. I trusted them. I was informed of so many things that the doctor would have never told me.

Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is important when considering doing a home birth. The better health your in lessens the chance of complications. Some things I did daily were drink red raspberry leaf tea, nettles, and lots of water. I walked or hiked just about everyday. I biked up until 6 or 7 months, only stopped because I would cramp, it was hard to hang up the bike for a while. I stretched and did light exercises around the house.
Staying active helped me so much. It helped during pregnancy, labor, and after birth getting back into shape. During my pregnancy however, I did have really bad back pain, the only thing that seemed to help temporally was a deep massage and going to a chiropractor.
 The first trimester I was nauseas all the time, I felt better only when I ate. I would eat whatever was available and what I could get fast enough! After 3 months I started to watch what I ate. Taking in fruit and vegetables, chicken and fish, and yes I would indulge when the cravings took over. Even still, I gained 48 pounds! I felt huge. But, that’s what happens.

By the end of my pregnancy I was having lots of back pain, it was hard even to bend over…
40 weeks came and still no Zoe. I would have contractions here and there, but I never got my hopes up.
I had a good idea what labor was supposed to be like, I mean, we took the Bradley Method classes and I felt as ready as can be. In Bradley Method, you have a “coach” during your labor, which most of the time is daddy. You have your partner there and you both learn relaxation methods, and practice scenarios for labor. I won’t get into everything but its one of the most effective preparations for birth.

I was mentally prepared for a 20 hour labor, thinking we would have plenty of time to go to Carolyn’s, I would bring tons of pillows, use the birthing ball, have Greg massage me, get in the tub, listen to nice music….…well it didn’t go exactly as planned.
And you know what, Thank God.

Labor and Birth:
It was January 30, 2012 and throughout the whole day I was tired, more tired than usual. That evening I was hoping I would go into labor but I knew I needed rest so I decided to take a couple of Benadryl to help me get some sleep. I started cramping around 10ish. A little earlier I kept going to the bathroom and I knew that was a good sign. But still, I didn’t want to think I was going into labor, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. So I never called my mom or anyone to tell them it was possible that I would have my baby in the next day or so. I just told Greg that I was gonna try to get some sleep, if the contractions kept coming then I would get through the night and call Carolyn in the morning. So I went to bed.

I would wake up with every contraction, which when I went to bed at 10 was every 30 min or so. Then they were around every 15 min. I still didn’t think it was it because I knew of several people that this happened to and nothing happened. Plus I was so tired from the Benadyl that wasn’t thinking too much, I was just trying to relax. So after a couple of hours I took my first warm bath of the night, I took a total of three. I would just go and sit in the water for about 30 min or so and then go straight back to bed. I never looked at the time or made a big deal to Greg. Relaxing was all I concentrated on.

Sometime during the night when the contractions got much stronger I would hold on to Greg, and then try to sleep when I could. I figured I was in labor at that point. My little dog Elvis was so sweet, he would lay next to me the entire time, it did make me feel better. Somewhere around 3 30 when I got into my third bath, I suddenly realized how quickly the contractions were actually coming. I think before I was trying to not even to think, I would just deal with the contractions and some how “pretend” in my mind that they were cramps and would be over soon. I thought if I just got rest through the night I could prepare better for the day ahead.
 I told Greg it was time to time them, I knew if I didn’t then we might have the baby without Carolyn.

He timed one of them and it lasted about three minutes, then another would come three minutes later. Somehow he thought he was doing it wrong. So we got back in bed and he timed them for 15 minutes. I think maybe he got nervous, he went out of the room to “calculate the numbers”, maybe he couldn’t believe it either. .
I told him to get back in the room and call her!  He called her and told her what was happening and then I spoke with her. She normally would have come to visit me first to see how things were coming, but after having several contractions on the phone with her she told me it was best if we came over there right now. So I literally crawled out of bed, grabbing only my pillow and crawled to the car while Greg got some food ready to take over there. It was time, and I knew it. I was a little nervous, but I was ready to meet my baby.

We drove fast down Alabama Hwy, and I was so uncomfortable in the car. Greg called my doula Elise and my mom. When we arrived at Carolyn’s, she told me she was gonna check me to see how far along I was. She checked me and checked again and said, “Sam your at least 8cm dilated, lets get you in the tub.” At that point I was in labor for appox  7 hours. I got into the tub, and it felt like just few minutes later I needed to push. When I realized it was going happen faster than I thought I got nervous all of a sudden. I told Greg that I was scared. I could feel how my body was getting ready for this and it was changing quickly, quicker than the average first time labors.
When I felt the need to push I felt like I had to poop! Carolyn gave me the Ok. I was in the water when I started pushing. After about 20 min of pushing my water finally broke.  I said “something just happened, something popped” Rachel said its Ok it was your water. At some point Carolyn asked me if I wanted to get out of the water to push, so I thought why not, the water was nice but I was hot and I thought another position would help. So I pushed on my side for a while, then when we knew Zoe was about to make her debut Carolyn told me I can either stay out of the water for the rest or I could get back in the tub. I was already out and felt good about it. Less moving, the better. During my contractions I would try to make low grunts or moans and it helped me through each push, and I would squeeze Greg’s hand. He was fantastic. He never left my side, only once he was going to grab me some water but as soon as he started to walk away I felt a contraction coming and I knew I needed his hand so I told him not to leave me.
 Greg was the best coach, along with my doula. She would bring me water and honey after every contraction to keep my strength up. Greg would encourage me, and rub my back when it was necessary.
I was getting closer, and one point Carolyn told me that she was going tell me to stop pushing, and I needed to listen to her. I thought, “There was no way I could just stop.” My body was in “get this baby out” mode, and how could I stop it?
Her head was coming out, I could feel it, I was getting closer to seeing my baby. As soon as her head came out I heard Carolyn say ,  “Ok stop pushing and wait until the next contraction to let Zoe rotate her body”. I did my best. I kept saying “What do I do”? Then came the next contraction and Zoe had not rotated. Carolyn said “Ok Sam put your legs in the air and push”, so I did. This probably took a minute but felt like forever. She came right out and any pain I had was not present anymore. I just held my baby, and she cried!!! She was a little bluish so we put some oxygen to her face for a bit so she could regain a nice color.
I couldn’t believe it. She was here!
Suddenly I thought “what if Zoe is a boy”, so I asked “Is she a girl”? I think back and laugh. These first moments were amazing, and seeing her face was the best feeling. Finally meeting her for the first time, realizing that she was mine and nothing could change that. Greg was in amazement, I think he cried more than me. He kept telling me how proud he was of me, and how great I did, and how he could not do that. He kissed Zoe and me and I have never seen him so happy. We laid there in bed for a while.
 I nursed Zoe and she latched right away. We took a nap with her and stayed at Carolyn’s for about four hours to make sure everything was Ok with Zoe and I. She weighed 7Lbs and 14oz, and she was 21.5 inches long and so very cute.

So much happened in 10 hours, I was carry a baby in my belly for over 10 months and then so very quickly she was in my arms, and as real as can be. Our life changed right then. Nothing would ever be the same, and while I was not sure what was ahead I knew that I had a great man to be with me the whole way.

The first time I got up to use the bathroom I really felt what my body just went through. I was sore from head to toe, I used ALL of my muscles and I felt really weak. I drank Orange Juice and mom got me some pancakes! What a great morning.
It was a rainy day, and I couldn’t wait to get home and relax with my new baby.
After being at Carolyn’s for a while, she gave us the Ok to leave. She would be back to see me the next morning.
We left, I felt so great, wore out but so great! We went home and spent the next several days enjoying Zoe at home and getting used to all things baby.
I can’t imagine it going any other way. I am so glad we did a home birth. 
                            Zoe around 6 months. Where did all that
                            dark hair go? 
Motherhood is such a blessing. Z is such a sweet happy baby, I can't wait to take her on adventures with me!!!


  1. I love it Samantha! Beautiful story! I'm all teary now. God is so good, and birth is such a blessing. I love your sweet little Zoe! Tell her August says hi, and he wants to play soon!

  2. What a great birth story! Thanks for letting us read it. Zoe is adorable.
